Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates

Class 3 Digital Signature

Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates

Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) carry out supreme level of reliability and credibility in RCAI hierarchy system of Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) in India that is majorly utilized e-Tendering and e-Procurement. Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate can be issued to any individual as well as organizations. Class DSC is generally utilized to verify the identity of suppliers and buyers both in e-bidding, e-procurement, e-Tendering etc. Class 3 Digital signature certificates are high level of certificate which is mainly issued on the physical appearance of any individual in front of certifying authority. Class 3 DSC is valid for only 1 year or 2 years. When you do any e-filing on MCA web portal then class 3 Digital signature certificates is required to authenticate the identity of the applicant.

How Many Types of Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate are there?

Signing - Individual Individual.

Signing - Individual with Organization Name.

Why do I need a Digital Signature Certificate?

Digital Signature Certificate is your digital identity and it is required because it provides top level security while doing net banking, e-transaction. It is highly secured in an encoded language which can be only decoded by the sender or recipient with your authorization. The digital signature is your electronic presence in any documents. The best thing about DSC is that it is according to your requirement and nobody can modify it. And digital sign is used to secure your documents.

How does Digital Signature Work?

In a simple language, Digital Signature Certificate is documented electronic file which is issued by licensed authority which is in the form of encrypted code in USB eToken. Whenever your signature is needed this electronic coded certificate is required. It performs like a key and lock for your document which secures your documents. It works same as physical lock work in bank looker and in house to safeguard your belongings.

Furthermore this file has digital signature which has all your confidential details such as Email Id, Organization name and trademark etc. Public key is also added which is presents in the server of digital signature authority which allows other party to verify the credibility of your DSC, but one more things is noticeable that digital signature certificate is not a scanned form of your real signature.

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